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Will My Dental Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry?

August 13, 2024

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Sedation dentistry has allowed millions of people with fear or anxiety about seeing their dentists to receive the oral care treatments necessary to keep their teeth and mouths in great shape for years to come. If you tend to get nervous at the thought of having a dentist’s appointment, you may wonder if your insurance policy will cover sedation dental treatments. Here’s a brief guide to what your insurance plan may cover.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry includes a range of treatments designed to reduce a patient’s anxiety, raise their pain threshold, and help them sit comfortably through dental procedures despite their fear or nervousness regarding their dentist’s office. A few common treatments include:

Nitrous oxide: Also called laughing gas, this treatment has been used safely and effectively in dentistry for almost two centuries. Its effects usually wear off after about fifteen minutes, and patients are typically safe to drive themselves home afterward.

General anesthesia: This treatment renders patients unconscious so they will have no sensation or memory of the dental procedures they receive. The dental team tending to them will monitor their vitals and ensure their safety while they are under its effects. A patient receiving this treatment will need a ride home afterward.

IV sedation: By administering an appropriate drug directly into the hand or arm, a dentist can put a patient into a deep state of relaxation while leaving them able to answer questions and respond to instructions. However, a patient receiving this treatment will need a trusted individual to give them a ride home after the procedure due to drowsiness.

Do Insurance Plans Cover Sedation Dentistry?

Typically, dental insurance plans do not cover dental sedation because they categorize it as a non-essential procedure. However, a policy may cover sedation if it lowers the cost of the overall treatment or if the patient has special needs such as autism, cerebral palsy, or epilepsy that make sedation medically necessary. In cases where a dental treatment is especially complex such as with major surgery or multiple tooth extractions, an insurance plan may cover sedation.

If you believe you may be able to benefit from sedation dentistry but your insurance company will not cover it, it may be a great idea to look into your dentist’s financing options. This may help you break the cost into smaller payments that can be easily managed.

About the Practice

South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery offers superior surgical services for the oral health needs of Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, and Loxahatchee Groves. Led by Drs. Paul Weinstein, Travis Thompson, Jeronimo Guzman, Christopher Chafin, and David Holland, the staff ensures that each patient receives comfortable and effective treatments in a friendly and calming environment. Areas of expertise include dental implants, wisdom teeth extractions, and general oral surgery procedures as well as sedation dentistry. To discuss your sedation dentistry options, contact the practice online.