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South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Blog

Send Your Dental Anxiety on Vacation with IV Sedation

September 13, 2023

Woman has curious expression

Dental anxiety is a common phobia, and it unfortunately leads many people to procrastinate about going to the dentist’s office until they are in unbearable pain. Luckily, many dentist’s offices today offer conscious IV sedation to help people sit comfortably through routine exams and cleanings as well as more complicated procedures. Here are a few IV sedation medicines your dentist may use to help you relax in the chair so you can enjoy the clean feeling afterward.


Can You Still Get Dental Implants Even If You Have a Metal Allergy?

August 23, 2023

Woman smiling and looking out a window

Dental implants can be an excellent choice for many individuals who want to replace their missing teeth. However, if you have an allergy or sensitivity to metal, you may wonder how it could affect your ability to get implant posts, which are normally made out of titanium. Will you have to pursue a different form of tooth replacement? Or could dental implants still be an option? Here’s what people with metal allergies need to know.


Brace for Impacted Wisdom Teeth! Three Signs That Your Third Molars Might Need Extraction

August 11, 2023

Man with tooth pain

Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, usually begin erupting from the gums in the late teens or early twenties. Unfortunately, the mouth does not have enough room for them in many cases, and allowing them to stay can have long-lasting negative consequences for one’s oral health. When the wisdom teeth are not able to fully erupt from the gums, they become impacted and usually require extraction. Here are three signs that you should visit a dentist to see if you have impacted wisdom teeth.


What Can Make Someone Not a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Male patient lying down in a dental chair and smiling

If your upcoming oral surgery is making you feel anxious or nervous, the idea of using sedation dentistry to stay relaxed during the procedure can be highly appealing. But is it really the right fit for you? Your oral surgeon will need to confirm that you’re a good candidate for sedation dentistry before they can administer it. Below is a brief look at why sedation dentistry may not be the best choice for everyone.


If Dental Implants Are Metal, Can They Rust?

July 24, 2023

a woman in glasses thinking about dental implants

By replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, you can expect to enjoy an incredibly stable and lifelike tooth replacement that can even last a lifetime with proper care. That said, since these posts are constructed out of metal, some patients wonder if they can ever rust. Fortunately, the chance that this could ever occur is significantly low. Keep reading to learn why implants rarely rust and how you can avoid this problem altogether.
