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How to Manage Dental Anxiety

August 15, 2024

A woman undergoing a dental procedure wearing a nitrous oxide mask.

An estimated 36 percent of American adults reportedly have some degree of dental anxiety, with 12 percent believed to have an extreme fear. This type of issue can make getting even routine dental exams and cleanings very difficult. In fact, it can often lead to skipped appointments and delayed care. Worse yet, waiting too long to be seen can often make oral health problems worse. What started out as a small cavity may instead require a crown, and a minor toothache could eventually result in a multiple root canals. Even a reversible case of gingivitis could worsen to periodontitis that could someday cost you your teeth and portions of your jaw if not treated swiftly.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, don’t let your fears hold you back from getting the care you need. Here are some useful tips for making your next trip to the dentist a positive experience.

Find The Right Dentist

When it comes to alleviating your dental anxiety, your dentist matters. Be sure you not only feel comfortable with them, but also that they are aware that you’re afraid. This can not only help them better understand you, but it will also allow them to customize your care so that you can feel at ease during your appointment.

Tips for Reducing Anxiety

Once you have found a dentist that you feel safe with, there are a few things you can do to make your appointment more manageable. Here are some effective tips for stress reduction:

  • Bring along a friend to sit with you during your appointment
  • Practice deep breathing exercises
  • Meditate
  • Bring your own headphones and listen to calming music, guided meditations, or a relaxing podcast (maybe not about true crime though!)

Sedation Dentistry

Another option which you may not have considered is sedation dentistry. Your dentist offers many options to help you stay relaxed during your appointment, including:

  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is a mild sedative that is administered via a mask over your nose. It creates a feeling of calm during your procedure, and once the mask is removed allows you to return to your day without any downtime or side effects.
  • General anesthesia is given via both inhaled gases and intravenously administered medicine to create a deeper sense of relaxation. You will need a ride home from your appointment for this option, and it is recommended that you spend the rest of the day resting and do not attempt to drive or do any strenuous activities.
  • IV Sedation is administered via an injection to the hand or arm. It creates the deepest calm available and does require a ride home and that you take the rest of the day off to recuperate before returning to daily activities.

If you would like to try sedation dentistry, speak to your dentist in advance of your appointment to discuss your options. You will need to answer a few medical questions to determine if you are healthy enough to undergo sedation, but if you don’t have any disqualifying medical conditions, you are likely a good candidate for it. In fact, nitrous oxide is so safe that it can even be used for children!

Remember, dental anxiety is very normal, however it should not be allowed to get in the way of your oral health. If you suffer from deep fears, speak to your dentist today about your sedation options. You deserve it!

About Our Practice

At South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery we work together as a team to provide each of our patients with the highest quality care possible. We are always on call 24/7 and are proud to be able to offer a variety of sedation dentistry options to make your visit with us one of great comfort.

If you would like to discuss your sedation dentistry options for your next appointment, please visit our website or call us today at 561-203-5744.