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Will I Need to Have My Stitches Removed After Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

April 10, 2024

Wisdom tooth stitches

Wisdom tooth surgery is something that most people will have to go through at some point in their lives. Just about everyone has these extra molars, and more often than not they have considerable problems.

However, as common as wisdom tooth surgery is, there are still aspects of the procedure that people don’t really know all that much about. For example, you might know that stitches are usually necessary in order to heal after the procedure—what happens to them, and will they need to be removed? If you’re wondering, here’s what you should know.

Will My Wisdom Tooth Stitches Need to Be Removed?

Surprisingly, the answer is usually no. For wisdom tooth surgery, dentists will typically use dissolvable stitches that will disintegrate on their own sometime after the surgery. These stitches will hold fast during the healing process and will fade away once they’re no longer necessary.

There are some practices that make use of non-dissolvible stitches in their wisdom tooth surgery, but this is fairly rare. If this is the case for your surgeon, they’ll likely tell you so that you will know when to visit for your follow-up appointment.

When Will My Stitches Go Away?

Dissolvable stitches will typically disappear within a few weeks after the completion of the surgery. The exact length of time that this will take depends on the size of the stitches, the complexity of the tooth extraction, and the particular material that’s used.

In the case of removable stitches, your oral surgeon will usually schedule you an appointment 7-10 days after your surgery to remove them. This will also be an opportunity to check on your healing process and ensure that there are no complications.

Other Aspects of Aftercare to Keep in Mind

After your treatment has been completed, your oral surgeon will give you detailed instructions for aftercare. It’s important to follow these instructions closely; here are a few directions they might give you:

  • Keep your mouth clean. Gently rinse your mouth with saltwater after 24 hours and let the water fall from your mouth. Do not spit.
  • Finish the entire course of any antibiotics prescribed to you.
  • Stick to a soft food diet.
  • Refrain from smoking, drinking from a straw, or any other action that could cause dry socket.

About Our Practice

Welcome to South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery! We know that patients aren’t usually excited about their oral surgery, but we still do everything we can to change that. Between our comfortable dental office, our cutting-edge technology, and the 5-star customer service that we provide, we are proud to say that our practice is a place that people actually feel grateful to visit. Once you see us, you won’t want to have your oral surgery done by anyone else.

If you have any questions about wisdom tooth surgery, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (561) 203-5744.