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South Florida Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Blog

Will Tooth Extraction Cure My Gum Disease?

September 19, 2024

A woman examining her gums in a mirror.

If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, you may be wondering what your options are to treat it. In some advanced cases, your dentist may recommend you have a tooth, or teeth extracted if they cannot be otherwise saved. This can help protect your remaining healthy teeth by clearing a space for a restoration such as a dental implant. But removing them won’t make gum disease go away. Here’s why when it comes to periodontal illness, it’s important to take a whole-mouth approach to treatment.


Debunking 4 Tooth Extraction Myths

September 4, 2024

Close up of a cleaned, extracted tooth

Hopefully you’re not quaking in your boots for your upcoming tooth extraction, but if you are, take heart! They’re not as bad as dramatized media and misconceptions can make them seem. Skeptical? Keep reading; debunking these four myths will help set the record straight.


How to Manage Dental Anxiety

August 15, 2024

A woman undergoing a dental procedure wearing a nitrous oxide mask.

An estimated 36 percent of American adults reportedly have some degree of dental anxiety, with 12 percent believed to have an extreme fear. This type of issue can make getting even routine dental exams and cleanings very difficult. In fact, it can often lead to skipped appointments and delayed care. Worse yet, waiting too long to be seen can often make oral health problems worse. What started out as a small cavity may instead require a crown, and a minor toothache could eventually result in a multiple root canals. Even a reversible case of gingivitis could worsen to periodontitis that could someday cost you your teeth and portions of your jaw if not treated swiftly.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, don’t let your fears hold you back from getting the care you need. Here are some useful tips for making your next trip to the dentist a positive experience.


Will My Dental Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry?

August 13, 2024

People go over paperwork

Sedation dentistry has allowed millions of people with fear or anxiety about seeing their dentists to receive the oral care treatments necessary to keep their teeth and mouths in great shape for years to come. If you tend to get nervous at the thought of having a dentist’s appointment, you may wonder if your insurance policy will cover sedation dental treatments. Here’s a brief guide to what your insurance plan may cover.


Preventing Dry Socket after a Tooth Extraction

July 31, 2024

Tooth in a pair of forceps

Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure that many people undergo at some point in their lives. While the procedure itself is straightforward, the healing process requires careful attention to avoid complications such as dry socket. Dry socket, or alveolar osteitis, occurs when the blood clot that forms in the socket after tooth extraction becomes dislodged or dissolves prematurely. This can expose the underlying bone and nerves, leading to severe pain and delayed healing. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to minimize the risk of developing dry socket.
